Keeping Still
- By Mpress Q
- In Spirituality
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Embracing Silence, Nurturing Consciousness
The practice of stillness is often lauded, a journey inward to our collective consciousness, to that expansive void where our very essence—unbounded, dark, and profound—dwells. Here, in the silence of our inner cosmos, where all existence finds meaning and purpose, we discover the essence of trust. Stillness is not mere quietude but the release of the unmanifest and a surrender to the vast reservoirs of wisdom within us.
In the embrace of stillness, we encounter a profound truth—a testament to the reality that transcends our physical senses. It’s a realm where profound insights emerge, contrasts dissolve, and the voice of our destiny calls out. It’s where the sacred gateway to our crown chakra swings open, connecting us to the cosmic expanse and the myriad possibilities of higher realms. Unseen by many, stillness brims with the spiritual sustenance necessary for both our ethereal and earthly vessels. It is in this state that we can ignite the latent energies within, casting light upon our divine essence.
Each moment of stillness ushers in rebirth, as guided by the higher self, recalibrating our physical existence towards spiritual awakening. To ‘Be’ is more than to exist; it is a moment captured in the evolution of our essence, a state unaltered by past conditioning that offers no transformation. Yet, ‘Being’ is also our innermost truth, the core of our journey towards rediscovery and transformation—reshaping the inertia that has settled in our lives. Advancement in consciousness demands a sacred quest for higher knowledge, devotion, and the mending of life’s fragmented aspects to harmonize the dichotomy of our thoughts.
Reflect on your practices of meditation and visualization in the quest for conscious evolution. What aspects of your life’s purpose and meaning await re-envisioning? Delve into the depths of your being—how profound is your desire to unfold into the truest version of yourself?
As I sit here within my space thinking about my day, myself and what is required of me, I realize the importance of ending this evening by “Keeping Still.” Two words we all recognize yet find difficulty embracing. Keeping still helps you to hear your innermost self. Keeping still is your internal self caring for who you are, giving your internal space a reprieve. When was the last time you considered you over anyone else, taking some time at the end of your day just for you; exhaling, dreaming and feeling the desires of your eternally multiplied and limitless self. Taking time to feel your own inner spirit, heartbeat, breathe, or unique rhythms of your inner being? Being still is caring about you, yes “caring,” creating space between you and your external driven world, where you find urgency to create, build, and manifest everything outside of who you truly are.
It is now time… to rediscover your inner “yin and yang,” your “as above so below,” and your “let there be light,” to consider the importance and value you have with “He Who Created You!”
Consider self-first at the close of each day. Take time to self-reflect, to examine what lies beneath your life, what needs to be observed, what needs to be revealed, corrected, or realized. Keeping still causes the great central sun within your heart to blaze brilliant rays of light outwardly upon your path, so you can know which direction you should go. Stillness makes power and beauty available to us through our always available “I AM Presence.” So, take some time and consider how you will care for yourself… Keep Still.
Are You Listening To Your Monologue
Are you listening to your inner monologue, is it making a joyful noise in your heart or are you trying to overcome inner burdens of despair, fear, negative feelings, and words. What we say over our lives and the lives of others creates the consequences of what we will experience. Research studies state the human brain produces an average of 80,000 negative thoughts each day and only 20% are positive. If this is true, you really need to be concerned about how you are directing your life with these thoughts. What are you projecting outwardly into the world, what is your mirror reflecting-back to you about you?
Our thoughts are to reflect the divine and not the senses of the world. We cannot be of the “light” or “enlightened” if we are living in emotional duality or turmoil. What are you releasing and designing for the model of your life. What are seeing within the contemplations of your mind, what are the images of your thoughts, words, and deeds reflecting within the areas of your life.
We have thoughts within our workplaces, family structures, friendships, community relationships, spiritual growth, our health, and well-being. Our thoughts function at different levels within our consciousness, each holding a different feeling of emotions. We speak of anger, harm, pain, conflict, abuse, and discouragement, sometimes wish destructiveness upon others in the name of the Lord when we feel unjust. We speak these things throughout our being and within the environment of the world we create for ourselves.
When we release these emotional fears into our environment, we engage ourselves in the misuse of divine energy. Every thought clothes itself in a life form according to the character given it by the thinker. The form of the thought given becomes the end result of the thought. So, if you are thinker, that think the thoughts, that bring the things into your life… then what are you thinking? What is your mind visualizing, producing, creating, manifesting, and calling forth into the existence of its life?
Keeping Still… within a mental state of infinite space for peace, rest, and tranquility.
Refocusing on Inner Guidance
Every day, we encounter inner conflicts within ourselves, whether it’s related to our work, home life, health, or the communities we belong to. The most significant source of uncertainty we face revolves around the elusive concept of money. We’ve been taught that when making decisions, we should seek external opinions—turning to friends, strangers, ministers, supervisors, or even parents.
What is it that we seek so desperately outside of ourselves that we’ve neglected to look within? External sources of knowledge always seem to have answers, but are they the right answers for us? Are they part of a divine plan guiding us towards our purpose, or are they shaped by the collective consciousness—an external blueprint for our lives?
The process of decision-making inherently involves seeking referrals. For instance, when we fall ill, we visit a doctor who refers us to a pharmacy. If we need the definition of a word, we consult a dictionary. When contemplating marriage, we’re advised to seek the guidance of marriage counselors or ministers for the best course of action. Yet, regardless of the opinions we receive about what’s best for us, our truest answer can only be found within.
The universe doesn’t need to refer to any external object in order to understand itself; it simply turns inward. To ensure we receive divine instructions for our lives, we must return to our inner sanctuary and continually train ourselves to find answers from within. We shouldn’t look outside ourselves, but within, for it is within that we find goodness, purity, our true essence, our connection to the divine, and the manifestation of wholeness in unity with Yahweh God. It is when we behold God’s presence that we align ourselves with the harmonizing energy that brings balance to our lives, our world, and our affairs.
So, the next time you feel the need for a referral, connect with your higher self and delve into your divine sanctuary. There, you will find the self-guidance necessary to restore equilibrium and harmony to your life and everything around you.
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