the lily pad effect book cover and backing ebook

Lily Pad Effect


Coming soon in 2023!

The Lily Pad Effect is a spiritual transformation book for individuals who realize their dreams and goals are suddenly being disrupted, redirected, or halted. The universe’s call requires a deep leap into the abyss, the void of one’s inner self, without any preconceived intentions.

The Lily Pad Effect is a spiritual transformation book for individuals who realize their dreams and goals are suddenly being disrupted, redirected, or halted. Why… because the Creator sequestered their soul through a clarion call to change.

The Lily Pad Effect is an era within one’s life where they notice an inner battle brewing from deep within. Something seems off, out of balance, and not centered. Every idea, dream, or goal and its pursuit is unable to be funded until a willingness to surrender and commit to a spiritual rite of passage.

The time has come for change. The old wine skin of the world is archaic and can no longer direct you toward your new life. The universe’s call requires a deep leap into the abyss, the void of one’s inner self, without any preconceived intentions. For found within God’s universal systems, are the sustainability of stillness, patience, and humility… that is what’s being called for now. External forces are unable to transport harmony, balance, or enhancement needed for one’s new life.


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